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Natural Tile and Grout Cleaner

Making the switch to homemade grout cleaner and natural...

DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

We’ve switched to organic bedding, but organic pillows can be...

How to Make (and Use) Vegetable Noodles

Veggie noodles are an awesome alternative to pasta —...

Christmas Gifts for Her (45+ Ideas She’ll Love!)

As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over...

Remineralizing Tooth Powder For a Healthier Mouth

My remineralizing toothpaste is one of the most visited posts at Wellness Mama. Over the years I’ve had a lot of emails from people who’ve switched...

Homemade Gummy Vitamins That Kids Love

I get a lot of questions about how I get my kids to take vitamins. While mine will just take their fish oil, probiotics, and...

DIY Turmeric Bomb Supplements

Turmeric is something you’ll always find in my kitchen (and my medicine cabinet). Known for its bright yellow color, turmeric root has numerous health benefits. It...

Homemade Cough Drop Lollipops

Every once in a while the kids and I come down with a runny nose, sore throat, and other flu symptoms. Elderberry syrup is a staple...

How to Make a Dual-Extraction Mushroom Tincture

Medicinal mushroom products have increased in popularity over the past decade. From mushroom coffee to mushroom chocolate, there are plenty of options. A dual-extraction mushroom tincture...

Cherry Rose Moon Milk Recipe

It’s probably no secret by now that I’m a huge proponent of a good night’s sleep. Easier said than done if you’re a mama with...


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Natural Tile and Grout Cleaner

Making the switch to homemade grout cleaner and natural...

DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

We’ve switched to organic bedding, but organic pillows can be...

How to Make (and Use) Vegetable Noodles

Veggie noodles are an awesome alternative to pasta —...

Christmas Gifts for Her (45+ Ideas She’ll Love!)

As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over...

Christmas Gifts for Kids (With Stocking Stuffer Ideas)

At Christmas time our family focuses on the joy of...