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Natural Tile and Grout Cleaner

Making the switch to homemade grout cleaner and natural...

DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

We’ve switched to organic bedding, but organic pillows can be...

How to Make (and Use) Vegetable Noodles

Veggie noodles are an awesome alternative to pasta —...

Christmas Gifts for Her (45+ Ideas She’ll Love!)

As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over...

Sea Salt Spray for Healthy Skin

I’m a big fan of natural sea salt and magnesium. Not only is salt important in food but salt water is an increasingly popular ingredient in...

Should You Use Tallow for Skincare?

What do old McDonald’s french fries and my skincare routine have in common? They both use tallow! While I don’t eat or recommend fast food fries,...

DIY Coconut Milk Bath

Not so long ago bathtime for me meant scrubbing my kid’s little fingers and toes. Now that my kids are a little older I get to...

Healing Lip Salve Recipe

To continue the theme of DIY natural lip care recipes, I’m sharing this recipe for homemade herbal lip balm. I love my homemade lipstick and tinted lip...

How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo

I’ve made natural alternatives for body wash, dry shampoo, and other hair care products, but homemade shampoo was by far the toughest. After lots of (failed)...

Rose Body Scrub for Smoother Skin

Many years ago I realized how easy (and inexpensive!) sugar scrubs were to make. Since then I’ve played around with many different versions of exfoliating body...


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Natural Tile and Grout Cleaner

Making the switch to homemade grout cleaner and natural...

DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

We’ve switched to organic bedding, but organic pillows can be...

How to Make (and Use) Vegetable Noodles

Veggie noodles are an awesome alternative to pasta —...

Christmas Gifts for Her (45+ Ideas She’ll Love!)

As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over...

Christmas Gifts for Kids (With Stocking Stuffer Ideas)

At Christmas time our family focuses on the joy of...