If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you know how miserable it can be! The congestion, relentless pressure, and struggle to breathe can leave anyone feeling drained. While medical interventions are sometimes necessary, natural remedies can help. Here are some supportive home remedies for sinus...
There are certain scents that just remind us of Christmas and the holiday season. Peppermint mochas, simmering potpourri, and Christmas cookies baking...
Chances are you’ve seen some negative press about salt. Dietary guidelines often recommend less sodium and the low-sodium industry is booming! Thank goodness sodium reduction and low-fat diets have significantly improved the average American’s health.
What’s that?...
When I was a kid I remember having round after round of strep throat and ear infections. Followed up promptly with dozens (if not hundreds!) of rounds of antibiotics by age 5. Strep throat is...
As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over the years. But it can be tricky to find the perfect gifts for the women in your life. This gift guide has holiday gifts for moms,...
I’ve written about my extensive natural “medicine cabinet” before, but I’m always asked what my favorites are. Which home remedies are worth the money with a...
Elderberries are one of my most used go-to remedies for cooler months. The dried berries of the Sambucus nigra plant are naturally high in immune-boosting compounds that...