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Home Remedies For Pink Eye

Eye problems are never fun, especially for kids. Pink eye is a common childhood ailment that can also spread to adults. With these home remedies for pink eye though, you’ll know what to do if you or your child have to deal with it! What...

6 Healthy Habits to Adopt This Year

For many people, January is when we make New Year’s...

Home Remedies For Pink Eye

Eye problems are never fun, especially for kids. Pink eye...

The Best Tents for Family Camping

We love camping as a family for uninterrupted quality...

Homemade Cough Drop Lollipops

Every once in a while the kids and I...


DIY Lip Balm Locket Necklace

Over the years I’ve come up with a lot...

Homemade Lip Balm Recipe

I started making my own DIY lip balm years ago after...

Rosemary Oil For Better Hair

As a mom of 6, I’ve had my fair...

DIY Peel-Off Face Masks (With Gelatin)

I love a good face mask. Not only can they...

How to Make a Probiotic Deodorant Bar (Easy Recipe)

Natural deodorant has gotten really popular in recent years, but...

Christmas Gifts for Kids (With Stocking Stuffer Ideas)

At Christmas time our family focuses on the joy of Christmas and acts of service. But that doesn’t mean we don’t also give...

Healthy Camping Food Ideas

We’re big camping fans in our family. While camping...

DIY Seaweed Face Mask

My kids are used to seeing me with oddly...

Healing Lip Salve Recipe

To continue the theme of DIY natural lip care...

Turkey Tail Mushrooms (and Why To Try Them)

No, we’re not talking about the kind of turkey...

Natural Tile and Grout Cleaner

Making the switch to homemade grout cleaner and natural...

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries have superfood status for good reason. Bursting with...

Coconut Oil Lotion Recipes for Healthier Skin

I’ve gone through quite a few jars of coconut...

Home Remedies for Sinus Infections

If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you know...

Why I Ditched My Alarm For a Sunrise Alarm Clock

Waking up to the shrill beeping of an alarm...

Christmas Gifts for Men That He’ll Love (with Stocking Stuffer Ideas)

Between friends, family, and employees, I’ve come up with...


Are You Scared of Salt?

Chances are you’ve seen some negative press about salt. Dietary guidelines often recommend less sodium and the low-sodium industry is booming! Thank goodness sodium reduction and low-fat diets have significantly improved the average American’s health. What’s that?...

Strep Throat Remedies to Recover Faster

When I was a kid I remember having round after round of strep throat and ear infections. Followed up promptly with dozens (if not hundreds!) of rounds of antibiotics by age 5. Strep throat is...

Christmas Gifts for Her (45+ Ideas She’ll Love!)

As a mom, I’ve been given plenty of gifts over the years. But it can be tricky to find the perfect gifts for the women in your life. This gift guide has holiday gifts for moms,...

Natural Home

DIY Buckwheat Relaxation Pillows

We’ve switched to organic bedding, but organic pillows can be expensive. One less expensive solution I’ve found is to make our own...

How to Make (and Use) Vegetable Noodles

Veggie noodles are an awesome alternative to pasta — they’re great if you have a gluten sensitivity and avoid it or if you...

Homemade Natural Whitening Toothpaste

We all want to know how to whiten teeth naturally, but...

Healthy Camping Food Ideas

We’re big camping fans in our family. While camping...

How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Potent Cold + Flu Remedy)

Elderberries are one of my most used go-to remedies...

Top Gifts For Men (Ideas For Father’s Day, Birthday, and More)

What do you do for gifts when the man in your...

My Natural Travel Packing List (and Tips)

I’m traveling so much these days (often by myself,...

Natural Remedies

Homemade Chamomile Tincture

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs because of its delicate scent and great taste in teas. It is my absolute favorite herb for kids...

Homemade Chamomile Tincture

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs because of its...

Simple Home Remedies Every Family Should Have

I’ve written about my extensive natural “medicine cabinet” before, but I’m...

Elderberry Marshmallows Recipe (Immune Boosting & Kids Love)

Elderberry syrup is a popular remedy (especially during the flu...

Home Remedies For Diarrhea Relief

There are a few reasons why someone can get diarrhea, and...

How to Make Elderberry Syrup (Potent Cold + Flu Remedy)

Elderberries are one of my most used go-to remedies...

Latest articles

Fun & Unusual Date Night Ideas (At Home or Out) on a Budget

As busy parents, it can be hard to find time together for a date night. Life and kids happen, and while it’s wonderful, all these...

Organic Gardening: How to Start a Garden 101

Gardening was once a normal part of life for most people. Not so many generations ago, neighbors exchanged fresh produce over fences (too many...

Homemade Natural Whitening Toothpaste

We all want to know how to whiten teeth naturally, but getting it done is another matter. Harsh whitening strips and pastes are a no-go for...

Is Silicone Safe for Baking?

I’ve mentioned before that I use silicone molds to make homemade gummy vitamins, lotion bars, and other household staples. However, the mention of silicone molds...

Organic Pest Control for Gardens (Natural Options)

Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest food but also comes with its fair share of frustrations. From pest management...

Top Gifts For Men (Ideas For Father’s Day, Birthday, and More)

What do you do for gifts when the man in your life is hard to shop for? I’ve been trying to answer that question for years....



Best Travel Games and Activities for Kids

“Mom, are we there yet? I’m bored!” As the saying...

Family Friendly Activities in Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati is one of our favorite cities to visit,...

How to Create a Kids Camping & Survival Pack (Checklist)

Our family has always enjoyed off-grid camping, but with recent...

Best Lightweight Travel Stroller (Reviews)

Traveling with a non-walking baby is tough. Heck, traveling...

How to Bulk Cook Healthy Meals for Vacation

A mother’s job never ends and nowhere is this more true...